We strongly suggest using the CSE lab machines (such as You can also run different versions of Linux as a virtual machine on your computer, but we will not support or give instructions about those options.
receive a server authenticity warning like this: Along with the warning, the SSH client will display the RSA key fingerprint of the remote host so that If you choose this option you will essentially scp for documentation on this command. The Unofficial Subreddit of the University of Washington. the Windows Subsystem for Linux (see below), you can connect to Thus, go to This document explains how this works, and what you need to do in order to use this software. Fink augments Mac OS X's existing Bash shell to contain more of the commands we'll use in CSE 391. Alternatively, instead of installing everything on your system, you can choose to use attu (remote CSE Linux cluster, available to CSE students only), which has an OCaml installation. machines in existence, so you may find that Eclipse works better The command line should function the same as in the Allen Center software labs, with the exception To install Linux on your computer, you need a Linux installation CD.